Exchange Program
At Turner ECS we understand that in case of an emergency situation or when time is of the essence a fast response and supply of parts is important. As we have the largest exchange stock in Europe, we can supply many Woodward governors commonly found on main engines and auxiliary engines. Also we can deliver electronic speed controls on exchange basis.
How the Governor Exchange Program works:
Provide us with part and serial number of the governor, to be found on the unit itself.
Our team will then prepare and ship the exchange governor
Once you receive this unit, send us your used governor.
The advantages of the Exchange Program:
Our cost is known
System downtime is minimized
Avoids potentially lengthy delays while waiting for replacement parts
Use our Exchange Program when:
The service time window in the port is small
The vessel calls into a port where governor service is unavailable
Simple to manage during dry dock activities
Simple to manage during unexpected shutdowns or planned stops